NexStar Crop Performance
The launch of a bold new brand to enhance customers and member-owners' ability to decrease production costs while increasing their potential profitability.

Brand Refresh
A refreshed, modern Five Star Cooperative logo is introduced.

100 Year Anniversary
Celebrating a Centennial in Agriculture!

Acquired in partnership from a private owner Grain Elevator & Storage
Mason City
Acquired Agriliance Liquid & Dry Fertilizer & Agronomy
Klemme Feed Mill (built in 1977)
Acquired by 3 Co-ops including Farmer's Co-op in 2001, eventually taking sole ownership. Started out just under 200 ton per day.
Ventura, Hanlontown, Joice, Lake Mills & Scarville
Acquired Top of Iowa of Ventura, Hanlontown, Joice, Lake Mills & Scarville Ventura: Liquid Fertilizer, Agronomy, Grain Hanlontown: Grain Elevator & Storage, Agronomy Joice: Dry Fertilizer & Agronomy Lake Mills: Agronomy Scarville: Seasonal Grain & Agronomy
New Name
Name change to Five Star Cooperative

Acquired Interstate Grain
Rockwell, Burchinal, Dougherty & Swaledale
Acquired Land O’Lakes Ag Centers of Rockwell, Burchinal, Dougherty & Swaledale. Rockwell & Swaledale: Grain Elevator & Storage Burchinal: Grain & LP Dougherty: Grain Elevator, Fertilizer & Agronomy
New Hampton Fertilizer
Dry Fertilizer Building built in 1987-1988 Liquid Fertilizer was added in 2015
New Hampton Feed Mill
Acquired from Land O’Lakes, Midland Feeds (Est. 1967)
Acquired Nashua Equity Co-op 13 Employees, Grain, Feed Grinding, Bagged Feed & Delivery, Fuel & LP Delivery, & Fertilizer Plant
Acquired Lawler Cooperative Shipping Association (Est. 1957) Grain Elevator & Storage, Fuel Storage, & Warehouse
New Hampton Open
New Store & Offices at New Hampton
North Washington
Acquired Bob’s Farm Supply Grain, Dry & Liquid Fertilizer, Feed Grinding & Mixing, Bagged Feed & Delivery
Acquired Ionia Feed & Milling from Grant & Ellen Grove 5 Employees, Bagged Feed, Feed Delivery & Grain
New Name
Name change to Farmer’s Cooperative New Hampton
Chickasaw County Equity Cooperative Association
New Hampton, Iowa Livestock: Hogs, Cattle & Sheep, Coal, Wheat Flour, Feed. Groceries: Coffee, Sugar, Sorghums, Syrups, Soaps, Hay, Fruit, Canned Goods, Oils, Salt & Twine